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Honeywell's Revolutionary DARWIN AI Project for Single-Pilot Operations

In a pioneering move, Honeywell Aerospace is at the forefront of revolutionizing aviation with the launch of the DARWIN project, a groundbreaking initiative under the European Union's SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking. This project marks a significant stride in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to address challenges associated with single-pilot operations.

Honeywell's DARWIN project is a strategic response to the minimum-crew challenges faced in the aviation industry. The goal is clear: develop AI-powered digital assistants and a robust human-AI collaboration framework. This framework aims to support both extended minimum-crew operations and single-pilot operations, ensuring an equivalent or higher level of safety and a comparable or lower workload than traditional full-crew operations.

The DARWIN project boasts an impressive consortium of partners, including Pipistrel, Germany’s DLR research institute, Eurocontrol, EASA, and Slovenia Control. The research will be conducted at Honeywell’s state-of-the-art development center in Brno, Czech Republic.

DARWIN's human-AI teaming is set to address critical challenges specific to single-pilot operations in air transport-category aircraft. This includes the imperative to maintain a low cockpit workload, replace the second pair of eyes for cross-checking, and detect/mitigate pilot incapacitation.

Andrew Barker, Vice President of Integrated Avionics at Honeywell Aerospace, emphasized the project's significance, stating, "This project lays a solid foundation for the future of AI and AI-human collaboration in Honeywell avionics. We must focus our efforts in these areas to ensure proper baselines are established for the future of minimum-crew operations."

Jolana Dvorska, Senior Research and Development Manager and Architect for SESAR at Honeywell Aerospace, highlighted the need for digital transformation, saying, "A need for higher autonomy requires digital transformation. For both, we need to build trust in AI-based solutions."

The DARWIN project aims to deliver AI solutions that enhance operational efficiency, including pilot state and task monitoring. This comes with a keen awareness of the complexities of future airspace, ensuring adaptability to the evolving aviation landscape.

The Honeywell-led consortium comprises industry technology providers, aircraft OEMs, leading research institutes, air navigation service providers, and key European institutions and regulatory bodies.

The DARWIN project aligns with the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, an institutionalized European partnership co-funded by the European Union. Its mission is to accelerate the delivery of the Digital European Sky through research and innovation.

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